Speak with a Loan Counselor

Contact a Cambridge Credit Counseling student loan counselor toll-free at
888-254-9827 to start the process, or
click here to fill out a form and have Cambridge contact you directly.
Attend a Student Loan Workshop

Presented by a Cambridge certified student loan counselor. Attendees receive free access to the Cambridge Student Loan Portal, along with the opportunity to schedule a one-on-one counseling session. Learn More
Visit the Student Loan Portal

For the reduced price of $14.95, you can quickly identify all of your payment options and receive a customized report from Cambridge.
Learn More
About Cambridge Credit Counseling
The NYSUT Member Benefits Corporation-endorsed Cambridge Credit Counseling
program can assist NYSUT members with better understanding their student loan re-payment options and/or debt consolidation. Cambridge has been assisting consumers with eliminating debt for more than 20 years and features nationally-certified counselors who will work with you to determine the most appropriate course of action for your specific debt situation.
NYSUT members are eligible to receive free, no-obligation, debt and student loan consultations with one of Cambridge's certified counselors.
Cambridge also offers a unique web portal available at a reduced rate of $14.95 that can help explain the various options when paying down student debt, including student loan forgiveness programs, income-based repayment options and more. Cambridge also provides counseling for foreclosure intervention, reverse mortgage, bankruptcy and first time home-buyer assistance education.
Additional Cambridge Student Loan Services
Upon request, the following discounted services are available to NYSUT members:
Fee - $39: Assistance with annual re-certification. NYSUT members utilizing income-driven repayment plans will be contacted by Cambridge to remind them to submit their re-certification paperwork and assist in determining any changes to their repayment structure.
Fee - $150: Upfront fee for a Cambridge certified counselor to complete the necessary paperwork on behalf of the member to carry out the chosen repayment plan.
Fee - $195: Payable in five monthly installments of $39 upon the completion of the paperwork, a Cambridge certified counselor will complete the necessary paperwork on behalf of the member to carry out the chosen repayment plan.
Waiver of fee-based services:
Cambridge will waive the above fees if a NYSUT member’s household income falls below 150% of the HHS Federal Poverty Guidelines.