April 13, 2020

COVID-19 message from NYSUT Member Benefits Trust Chairperson

Member Benefits continues to provide the benefits and services that you and your families count on without interruption.

Throughout this time of social distancing and sheltering-at-home, we continue to see inspiring examples each day of NYSUT members rising to meet this challenge. With everyone being asked to contribute to keeping our communities safe, we recognize that our members, their families and our staff have stepped up and answered that call.

While the NYSUT Headquarters building remains closed, NYSUT Member Benefits staff continue to work remotely to ensure we provide the benefits and services that you and your families count on without interruption. We encourage you to contact us at 800-626-8101 or email us with any questions or concerns.

We have also created a helpful COVID-19 Resource Center to provide timely updates from our endorsed program providers along with assistance in making prudent decisions when it comes to your finances and essential needs. Click here to view our COVID-19 Resource Center.

We continue to respond to the questions and concerns of our members through this crisis. We want you to know that we are here to support you during this challenging time.

At the same time, we are aware that some of our endorsed programs and services do not correspond well to the current situation, such as our travel, restaurant or shopping offerings, and ask that you exercise the appropriate precautions in the coming months and beyond.

We have been in contact with our endorsed program providers, who will continue to maintain and support their programs. NYSUT Member Benefits remains steadfast in our efforts to serve as your advocate for any issues or concerns that may arise when participating in our programs.

For your convenience, below are links to the categories for our endorsed programs & services along with our secure "Contact Us" form and COVID-19 Resource Center:

Insurance Programs

Legal Service Plan

Financial Counseling Program

Shopping/Travel/Personal Programs

Contact Us

COVID-19 Resource Center

We will continue to get through this challenge together. I wish you well, and please be safe.

In solidarity,

JPhilippe Abraham

J. Philippe Abraham
Secretary-Treasurer, NYSUT
Chairperson, NYSUT Member Benefits