January 17, 2024

Save with home heating options this winter and beyond

Member Benefits endorses home heating options that can help NYSUT members save money.

The snow on the ground and frigid temperatures tell us that winter has settled in for a while.

Member Benefits endorses home heating programs that can help NYSUT members and their families save money during these cold months and beyond.

Heat USA is the largest heating oil buying group in the country, with more than 50,000 oil-heated households and 200 full-service heating oil suppliers participating. NYSUT members can save approximately $300 to $500 per year on heating oil, along with a number of benefits upon program sign-up.

Tankfarm purchases million of gallons of propane each year, providing the company with the negotiating leverage to offer better pricing and better terms. NYSUT members can save approximately $300 to $500 per year on propane, along with a number of benefits upon program sign-up.

HEAT USA - Learn More

TANKFARM - Learn More