Dental Plan

Dental PlanProtecting your teeth and gums is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. If you are a NYSUT member looking for dental coverage for yourself and/or your family, consider the NYSUT Member Benefits Trust-endorsed Dental Plan.

Our endorsed Dental Plan features the MetLife PDP Plus Network and offers easy-to-understand dental coverage that allows you to:

#1: Protect you and your family by providing competitively-priced dental coverage for most preventive and routine services that help promote long-term oral health.

#2: Choose the dentist of your choice at the time of treatment. You do not have to select a primary dentist; there’s no ID card to show or referrals needed for specialty care.

#3: Save on out-of-pocket expenses by receiving services from thousands of participating dentist locations nationwide that agree to charge fees typically 30% to 45% lower than the average charges in your area.
With the MetLife Dental Plan featuring the PDP Plus network, you receive a wide range of benefits that provide choice, savings* and convenience to help make your dental health a priority.

Looking to Learn More?
For Members Looking to Enroll:
Find a participating dentist, enroll online, and learn more about dental benefits available to you.

To verify receipt of your enrollment or for any billing questions, please contact P&A Group -- the plan administrator -- at 800-688-2611, select option 3 and follow the prompts, weekdays during regular business hours.

For Members Already Enrolled:
View the MetLife MyBenefits website to view recent claim details, find a participating dentist, and access educational resources to get the most out of your plan.

If you have any questions about this plan, please contact MetLife toll-free at 888-883-0046.

Payroll or Pension Deduction Available

Payroll & Pension DeductionNYSUT members can enjoy reduced premiums and/or the elimination of service fees when purchasing many of our endorsed programs through payroll or pension deduction. The service fee per billing cycle for the Dental Plan is eliminated when using payroll or pension deduction; the amount of the service fee is dependent upon the billing cycle selected.
The NYSUT Member Benefits Trust-endorsed Dental Plan is underwritten by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, New York, NY. The plan is administered by P&A Group.

*Savings from enrolling in the Dental Plan will depend on various factors, including how often participants visit the dentist and the cost of services covered.

NYSUT Student Members are not eligible to participate in this program.

The MetLife Dental Plan is a NYSUT Member Benefits Trust (Member Benefits)-endorsed program. Member Benefits has an endorsement arrangement of 5% of gross premiums for this program. All such payments to Member Benefits are used solely to defray the costs of administering its various programs and, where appropriate, to enhance them. Member Benefits acts as your advocate; please contact Member Benefits at 800-626-8101 if you experience a problem with any endorsed program.